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· One min read
Charles Ancheta

I feel like the hardest part of writing this game would be the enemy logic. That's why I'm putting it off for as long as possible! Today I implemented map generation, randomly placing boxes sufficiently far enough from players.

I also added controls for other players, which reminded me of my local multiplayer experience with Boxhead. I miss having multiple people on play a single keyboard. These days it would be awkward to play that way.

· One min read
Charles Ancheta

Feeling good today. I got to fix the collision bug that was happening yesterday. It actually had to do with the collision lifecycle, so to make the player detectable, I decoupled the check from the lifecycle of the bomb. Because of this, I could revert the player's bomb timer to normal. Moving away from a project and letting your brain sit on a problem for a while really does wonders.

I also created an enemy entity based off the player asset and make that and the box entities destructible by explosions. I thought I lost my commit progress on it after mashing a few keys on lazygit, but I got it back after a git reflog and git cherry-pick combo.

Overall, I'm making pretty good progress, and shaping the game more by adding stuff to the TODO.

· One min read
Charles Ancheta


Apparently my collision logic for the bombs weren't going to hold up. Every time a bomb explodes, there is a small time window where you can place a bomb and the bomb would not recognize the player, making it a "not new" bomb. Because of that, the player gets pushed off right away and could end up in the weirdest of places.

After hours of debugging I couldn't really solve it because of how the collision library orders the entity updates. I didn't feel like giving up for today, though, and making no progress. I simply created a deployment script to deploy the game to GitHub pages and fixed the player update logic so it at least doesn't end up outside of the map. Still a pretty good day even if I didn't make as much progress as I wanted.

· One min read
Charles Ancheta

Recently, I've been heavily configuring my text editor, Neovim, which means that I've been writing a lot of Lua. I do find it enjoyable, even without having any tooling initially, so I wanted to give game development and Love2D a try. I just finished Sheepolution's How to LÖVE book on Love2D, and felt prepared to make my first game from scratch. As per Jherzey's request, I'm creating a Bomberman clone.

· One min read
Charles Ancheta

Today I learned what my actual height was (at least at the time of writing). For a few years now I've always kind of just stuck with 170 cm because that's what was in my driver's license when I got it 5 years ago (I really need to pass the road test this year). I'm not even sure if that was right at the time.